From Film to File
The first step is to scan an image to turn it into a digital file. For the best resolution for
prints, we scan images at the highest resolution possible on our scanner
(4000 dpi - dots per inch). While it's possible to make color or contrast adjustments during a
scan, we tend scan the image with the automatic settings on the scanner, and then do all color
enhancement work in Photoshop. The panoramas are all standard 35 mm height film, but vary
considerably in width, so we scan them in sections, and stitch them together in Photoshop.
Dot by Dot

The resolution of the scan determines the final print quality - and file size. While film is
composed of different layers of colored dyes that produce evenly toned images, a digital image
file is composed of individual pixels of information. These pixels provide all the information
for the points on a monitor, or the dots on a printer.
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